ul. Trakt Brzeski 45, 05-077 Warsaw, Poland |     0048 22 847 86 60 | e-mail: export@phunord.pl Copyright © 2018 Privacy policy | Designed by NetYou

Krzysztof Kaczorowski Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe "Nord" realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich -

Dotacja na kapitał obrotowy dla Krzysztof Kaczorowski Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe "Nord".

Celem projektu jest wsparcie kapitału obrotowego przedsiębiorstwa na skutek zaistnienia epidemii COVID - 19.

Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 117 056,25 zł

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P.H.U. NORD is one of the leading producer of texile fibers based in Warsaw Poland. Each month we convert over 200 tons of post and pre consumer textiles wastes into fibers that are used in various markets.


Thanks to the modern technology and our expertise in the field of recycling we can supply customized goods that consist of materials selected by the customer. Our main goal is to offer excellent service with consistency and continous supply to global markets.



environment-friendly production

provision of high quality and affordable raw materials for diverse industries worldwide

complex textile wastes management service

reducing incineration nad landfill use by recycling various textile wastes